Thursday, July 23, 2009


I thought, should I really make a second blog of good Michael Jackson videos? Or will people think I'm a freak? Answers? Yes and Yes. So here goes:

1. Michael Jackson doing the robot over and over again. Enough said. It's awesomeness. He is the only person to ever actually do the robot and look like a robot.

2. Michael Jackson with an insane fan. Anyone else would have knocked this weirdo off the platform. Best part is at :53 when MJ changes the lyrics of the song to "Get this boy down please!"

3. Okay, break from MJ. This isn't Michael Jackson. I don't only watch Michael on youtube. I like to salivate over the Beatles. This is awesomeness. I want to see another remake of Lady Marmalade with Pink feat. Mya. feat. Christina. feat Missy. feat John Lennon

4. While we are on the subject of the Beatles, let's keep rolling with it. This is amazing. There are people today who still honestly, honestly, honestly think that the REAL Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced with a body double. McCartney was on Letterman the other night and joked about it, but some people took the joke very seriously. (For the record, I totally think this is stupid, but even IF Paul is dead---and he's not--- and there's been this fake guy pretending to be paul for the last 40 years---and there hasn't---it would be okay by me. Post-1966 Paul is a way better musician and songwriter than pre-1966 Paul)

5. Back to MJ. Cute, embarassed MJ has his fly open onstage and has to do a quick fix (at 1:26) He freaking blushes! So cute! Plus I really like this song. Why is this song not more famous?

6. I don't even really know what's going on here, except that MJ has a bad case of the giggles

I think he's laughing at the guy's accent.

7. Kind of like here:

8. Pretty much worth it for Michael Jackson doing the robot to grocery store Muzak, and lusting over Elizabether Taylor---"That's what I'm talking about"

9. Aw! so sad!

10. Again, I feel like I should have 10 things in my list. Let me go find some awesomeness for you...

Like I said, awesomeness.

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