Monday, July 27, 2009


As of this post, I'm taking a sabbatical from having any sort of online presence. Facebook, myspace, blogging---all this virtual socialization is leaving me feeling very empty. It's not socialization, it's just all pretend. I need to either focus on making real-life friendships, or just come to terms with the fact that I am a social retard.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you were still high off the M.J. tribute when you wrote this post! Do not sabbat! Is sabbat even a verb? Is "verb" even what I want to say in that question??'s been a lonnnnng time since English Comp.

    I think we shall embrace 2009 and mommyness and realize if it's not virtual socialization, it's nothing. lol. When would any mommy have time for real socialization and how could one organize it without facebook or the internet? lol.

    Please come back!! We'll miss you...for real!!!

