Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'll just do a train of thought and see where it goes...

I feel like writing a blog but really don't have anything to say, so I'll just start rambling.

Dax wants to be a garbageman for Halloween. How weird is that? That's fine, if that's what he wants to do. I don't care. But how do you find a garbageman costume, exactly? It's not like they sell them at KMart. The problem is that garbagemen pretty much just wear regular clothes, so besides having him carry around a garbagecan, when he goes trick-or-treating, people will think he is one of those kids who is too lazy to wear a costume. The only option I've found is this:

It's a UPS costume, but I'm thinking I can replace the patches with "Sanitation Department" patches (that I'll have to make, because, again...can't buy those at Kmart) What kind of weirdo kid would want to be a UPS man for Halloween, I wonder? Oh yeah, probably the same kind of weirdo kid who wants to be a garbageman...

I really do enjoy the fact that my kids don't feel the need to conform and all that, but it does make things complicated sometimes. But hey, I really shouldn't complain. At least I don't have to worry about my kid wanting to wear this costume:

I have nothing against black satin, lace and corsets, but I do kind of have issues with a toddler sized 4-6 wearing black satin, lace and corsets. Can we say JonBenet?

Speaking of Halloween, I had a creepy moment about a month ago. See, the thing is, sometimes I have moments where I really question my sanity. Not in a "Oh, I'm so silly and crazy" kind of way. But like in a "Has my brain broken" serious sort of way. I was at Walgreens and there was all of this Halloween candy and stuff out, along with a sign saying "Save on seasonal sales!" And I thought my brain broke because I actually, seriously considered the fact that I went to be thinking it was July and woke up in October. I looked at a magazine date, and felt better when it said it was July (I'm not kidding. I really did. I'm that insecure as to my sanity sometimes) Stores need to stop putting the holiday stuff out months before you need it. Not only does it make you sick of the holiday way before it gets here, but it also makes people think they might have accidentally time traveled to the future.

See, this is why I need to blog with a set topic in mind. I said I'd do a train of thought and see where it goes, and I end up telling a story about me thinking I'm a time traveler. Good lord. Do other people's brain work like this too?

1 comment:

  1. 1) Old school garbagemen wore coveralls, and I know you can get kids' coveralls at Farm and Fleet. Smear a little greasepaint on his face and make some sort of "sanitation department" patch and put work gloves on him. A helmet is always fun even if it's not functional.

    2) You are no more crazy than any other mom. We all have these moments of cognitive dissonance.
