Thursday, February 18, 2010

Uh, I'm very shallow and empty and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say.

The title is a fantastic quote from Annie Hall, and if you already knew that before I told you, then you are also fantastic.

That title pretty much sums up how I'm feeling today.

I have absolutely nothing interesting to relate to anyone about anything. How awful is that? The highlight of my day today was that I saw a guy running today in a tank top and shorts and it made me laugh. I'm excited about spring coming and running outside again, but not excited enough to run in shorts and a tank top in 34 degrees.

Seriously, that's the most notable thing that happened today. I'll try to have a more interesting day tomorrow, so I have something to share. I do plan on renewing my driver's license...Good times! Stay tuned for that!


  1. My blogs suck more than usual lately but I love yours. You are way funnier than I am. I swear I am also "shallow and empty and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say." However, I do have time to blog now so I feel like I should post stuff.

    I did note how fun the Zumba class at the gym looked the other day so I may try this soon. I can see why you like it!

  2. Your blogs are lovely, Ann. I think you have a great narrative voice (okay, it's been like 10 years since I took an English class. Is "narrative voice" the fancy way to say "the way you write like you're talking"? I'm thinking it does. Anyway, that's what I mean)

    I bet you'd like Zumba! It's fun. I took a break from it for the last few months because I got kind of burned out but just started up again. It's crazy how muscle memory makes you totally remember choreography even after you haven't done it in a while

  3. That's great that you've worked something out.

  4. You got a literal, real irl lol from me, Jenny. Well done.

  5. Annie Hall has been a more useful scripture for my life than any religious document on offer. If I were going to touch the hem of anyone's garment, it would have to be Woody Allen and I'd rather use a polo mallet.
