Saturday, February 27, 2010


I signed up for a half-marathon.

I'm so not excited about it, but I need a goal to work towards. I had a goal last year of running a half marathon, but then I hurt my foot and slacked off on the running for a while. Also, I notice that when I'm doing a lot of running, my yoga practices sucks a lot, which is kind of annoying.

But screw yoga. I'm willing to be extra sucky in that arena for a while, because I want to earn myself a bumper sticker.

I so want to do a real marathon just so I can get one of the "26.2" braggy bumperstickers. I'm so envious anytime I see a car sporting one of those. So I'm going to do the half-marathon to earn the 13.1 bumper sticker, then cover that up (I hope) with a 26.2 at some point down the line.

I also need to freaking lose some weight, and I'm hoping half-marathon training will help with that. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, and at my lowest weight, I got down to 149.6, but that weight was after about a day of starving, lots of exercising, and dehydration to "make weight" for Weight Watchers. I went up to about 155 again within a few days. But I'm up to 164 now, damn it, damn it, damn it. I know it's common to gain some weight back (if not all) after a big, fast weight loss, but I was hoping I'd be one of the lucky ones who didn't regain anything. So I'm back on the hardcore Weight Watchers-ing again. I have such a love/hate relationship with Weight Watchers. Ugh. I'm also planning on being accountable on here, so look forward to weekly weight loss (possibly gain) stats. I need public humiliation to lose weight, I really do.

So that's what I'm working on for the next few months. Running lots, and eating not lots. Wish me luck.


  1. I am swimming 50 miles this year. I signed up for the Milers' Club at the Y. When I asked at the front desk, the gal said "12 laps is a mile." No problem, I could swim 12 laps easy. But 12 laps in the gym is a mile and the pool isn't even the length of the gym, even disregarding the width. So I asked my swimmer husband and a lifeguard. A standard pool has a 50-yard lap. There are 1,760 yards to a mile. So (make a stoichiometry chart!), I have to swim 1,760 laps. My goal is to do so and be in baby-having shape at the end of the year because Dick is well on target to make his end of the baby deal (making us a single-earner household). So, I am with you. Again.

  2. I think you look amazing but I know this is annoying to hear (bc people say it to me and hello, I don't think I do).

    I like public humiliation as a weight loss incentive, too! I also have a really good idea for a second motivator. Go to the bridal store and try on a bridesmaid dress. I did this today.

    I was thinking I looked pretty skinny the last couple days until this trip when a) and b) happened. a) I saw myself in a mirror in the dressing room (evil thing) and b) I saw myself in the mirror on the lil stage after I had the dress on. I must have looked horrified bc my friend's mom called her after we left and told her she was concerned that I hate the dresses. So my bride friend called me and I assured her that I adore the dresses (it's true) but I abhor (spell?) my appearance.

    Needless to say, I won't be eating ever again. :)

  3. Wow, Jenny, there is NO I could ever possibly swim that (even the 12 laps version of the mile!) Good luck with your venture! You deserve a bumper sticker

    Ann, you're so teeny tiny, so yeah, I (and i'm sure everyone else) think you look amazing, but yeah, it's about how you see yourself instead of how other people see you. Poor Ann, trying on bridesmaid dresses less than 2 months after having a baby! I'm pretty sure that's just cruel and unusual punishment.

    I'll be weighing in on Fridays, and posting it here. When I lost all the weight originally, I did that on my myspace blog and I really think it helped me a lot, having that external motivation of knowing other people will see.

  4. Oh yeah, I never finished that train of thought. There are 35.2 laps to a mile. I'm up to doing 18 easily, so I can swim a half mile at a shot so far. My goal is to get up to doing at least one mile in one swim.
